Happy Astrological New year and Spring Equinox!

Happy Astrological New year and Spring Equinox!

  We are now at the beginning of a new astrological calendar. This is a major time of abundance, release of old baggage, new beginnings and new creative endeavors!   Ill be posting a meditation tonight on youtube around 5pm EST to manifest this next year!
With the Spring Equinox, there are equal amounts of daylight and night.  It shows us how the long, dark winter nights will be lessening and transforming into longer and brighter warm days. The equinox is a great time for reflection and a  perfect time to set intentions. This potent, shifting seasonal energy of spring helps "spring" our intentions forward. As long as we take the first initiative to start and put them into action, working with this potent energy will help carry out those manifestations and keep them bringing in long term successful results. 
The next "regular" new moon won't occur until May 19, so now is your last opportunity to take advantage of the positive lunar energy. Launch your initiatives right away, achieve your wildest aspirations, and set your desires in action. The seeds you sew now will definitely  bear an abundance fruit this year. Be clear about your intentions. It's a good time for a small ritual for the coming year.
-Pluto the ruler of death and rebirth enters Aquarius on March 23. This brings in even more change and transformation. 
-Two days later, Mars enters Cancer, forcing him to learn to control his rage.
-Venus will be in Taurus at the end of the month, conjunct Uranus, and the Moon will be directly opposing Pluto. It might now be clear that certain needs and wants are no longer appropriate or attractive to you at this time. 
Let go, allow yourself to participate in the beautiful transformation process and influence the growth for yourself this next year.

Simple Rituals for the equinox and New Moon in Aries

  • Planting seeds. 
  • Ritual Bath
  • Intention Setting
  • Get moving!
  • Spring Cleaning
  • Give gratitude to the sun
  • Get outdoors
  • Meditate
  • Get Creative
  • Smoke Cleanse your space




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